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Flute Choir / Orchestra
Flute Choir / Orchestra
sheet music for larger groups of flutes. Various combinations of piccolo, C flute, alto flute, bass flute, contra-bass flute. Some with piano accompaniment. Editions include original works by Marin Rabadan such as his jazzy 'Six Sweets', as well as good quality arrangements of music by von Suppé, Sgambati, Dvorak, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Gaubert ......
Dvorak : Serenade [1st movement] arr. Flute Choir with piano solo
Instrumentation: piano solo, 3 flutes; 2 alt.flutes; bass fl.[optional]Composer: DVORAK, Antonin (1841 - 1904)Difficulty level: intermediate or aboveA...
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GAUBERT: Sicilienne arr. flute choir
Instrumentation: 2 flutes ; 2 alto flutes ; 2 bass flutes ; Contrabass flute.Composer: GAUBERT, Ph. (1879 - 1941)Difficulty level: intermediate - adva...
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Jean Gennin: Pizzicato Pierrette arr. for Flute Choir with solo piccolo(s)
Instrumentation: piccolo duet [or piccolo solo] ; 3 fl; alt.f; bsf; [+opt. c'bsf]Composer: GENNIN, Jean (1886 - 1962)Difficulty Level: intermediate an...
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Joyeux et Ensoleille [poeme] - Gabriel Dupont arr. flute choir & piano solo
Instrumentation: piano solo, flutes 1-3; alt.fl.1/ fl.4; alt.fl.2; bass fl.[optional]Composer: DUPONT, Gabriel (1878 - 1914)Difficulty level: high int...
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KJERULF : Spring Song (Fruhlingslied) arr. flute choir
Instrumentation: 3 fls, afl, bsfl.Composer: KJERULF, Halfdan (1815 - 1868)Difficulty Level: high intermediate - advanced [ UK grade 6 - 8 ]Duration: 3...
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Kjerulf, H. - Betrayal (Tauschung) arr. flute choir.
Instrumentation: 3 fls, 2 afl, (& opt. bsfl)Composer: KJERULF, Halfdan (1815 - 1868) Difficulty Level: intermediate - advanced [ UK grade 4 - 7 ]D...
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Marija Esih : Nucleus for 8 flutes (flutes & low flutes)
Instrumentation: 4 flutes, 2 alto flutes, 2 bass flutesComposer: Marija EsihDifficulty Level: intermediateDuration: 4'15"Genre: with some extended tec...
£21.00View details
Marija Esih : Sketch for 6 flutes (4fl, afl,bfl)
Instrumentation: 4 flutes, alto flute, bass fluteComposer: Marija EsihDifficulty Level: intermediateDuration: 3'20"Genre: modern979070-8209-04-1you'll...
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Marin Rabadan : Easy Walkin' (2017) jazzy piece for 8 flutes
Instrumentation: piccolo, 5 flutes, alto flute, bass fluteComposer: RABADAN, Marin (b. 1978)Difficulty Level: advanced [ UK grade 7 - 8 ]Duration: ca...
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Pique Dame (Franz von Suppé) arr. for Flute Choir
Instrumentation: Pic.,3 Fl's., Afl, Bfl., (& cymbals)Composer: SUPPE, Franz von (1819 - 1895)Difficulty Level: upper intermediate - advanced [ UK...
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Scalina Spagna (from sinfonia 2) by Giovanni Sgambai arr. flute choir
Instrumentation: Pic ; 4 Fls ; 2 Afl; 2 Bfl ; Cb.fl /str' bass & harp (optional)Composer: SGAMBATI, Giovanni (1841 - 1914)Difficulty level: uppe...
£0.00View details
TCHAIKOVSKY : 1812 Overture arr. flute choir / flute orchestra
Instrumentation: pic ; fl.1 ; fl.2 ; fl.3/Afl ; Afl ; Bfl ; [optional: C'Bfl; percussion]Composer: TCHAIKOVSKY, Pyotr Ilyich (1840 - 1893)Difficu...
£0.00View details
VIVALDI : Winter (The Four Seasons) arr. 4 flutes & alto flute
Instrumentation: 4 flutes, Alto fluteComposer: VIVALDI, Antonio (1678 - 1741) Difficulty Level: intermediate [ UK grade 4 -5]Genre: popular baroquearr...
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